
I understand that I am registering for instruction in an activity which may involve physical, emotional, and/or psychological activity and that in case of such an undertaking there is always a risk involved. I understand that in a group setting the instructor cannot always monitor my physical, emotional, and psychological limits, and that I am therefore responsible for assessing the risk any activity poses to me, and choosing a safe course of action for myself.

I agree to assume the risk and responsibility for any injuries or damages suffered by me arising out of my participation in this workshop.

Food Allergies

In connection with any food allergies I have, I understand that I am responsible for knowing whether any ingredients to which I am allergic exist in any foods that are prepared by Yoga Service Collective. If I am uncertain about the ingredients of these foods, I am responsible for learning that information from the senior people in the café or dining hall who have prepared or overseen the preparation of such food.

Use of Likeness and Photography

I understand that while I am on an Yoga Service Collective campus, attending an Yoga Service Collective conference, or participating in any other Yoga Service Collective event, Yoga Service Collective may be taking photographs of participants. Some of these photographs will be used by Yoga Service Collective for promotional, educational, or informational purposes in its catalogs, brochures, website and newsletters. By coming on campus, attending an Yoga Service Collective conference, or participating in any other Yoga Service Collective event, I agree that Yoga Service Collective may take photographs that include my image and that such photographs may be used by Yoga Service Collective for promotional, educational, and informational purposes without compensation to me of any kind.

Recording Devices

The use of recording devices is strictly forbidden during workshops, conferences, keynote speeches, events, or any other programs at Yoga Service Collective Institute or at such programs sponsored or presented by Yoga Service Collective Institute.